Taylor Guitars is a leading manufacturer of acoustic and electric guitars. As well you can build to order via our custom guitar program. Taylor guitars are widely considered among the best-sounding and easiest to play guitars in the world.


Hagstrom Super Swede Limited Made in Sweden. After several years of consistent pleas by Hagstrom fans over the world, we are very proud to announce that Hagstrom now returns to its roots with production out of Sweden for the first time since the early 1980’s.

De första elgitarrerna såg ljuset 1958. Complete Hagstrom kit, (NOS) to turn your accoustic guitar into an electric (at your own risk). Includes pick-up, tone- and volume-control, out-put jacket, knobs and wiring). Komplett sats för att göra din akustiska gitarr till en elektrisk (på egen risk!), Hagström original! 2013-09-09 1954 Academy (National) Town & Country, Natural, SOLD!: 1997 Ad Lib Stratocaster, Fiesta Red, SOLD!: 1980 Stefan Ahlgren LEFTY Les Paul copy, Goldtop, SOLD!: 1960 Airline Town & Country, Natural, SOLD!: 1975 Alex Axe double-neck, Cherry, SOLD!: 2000 Ampeg AMG-1, Cherry, SOLD!: 1971 Ampeg Dan Armstrong Lucite Guitar, Clear, SOLD!: 1969 Ampeg Dan Armstrong, Clear Lucite, SOLD!

Hagström gitarr museum

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NEWS PAGE | VISITORS Ilan sent me these pictures in May 2005 of his visit to the museum. My son and I will be visiting later this summer too, so I thought it would be nice to start off the page in advance with this selection. Älvdalen, the home of the famous Hagström guitar, is situated in Dalecarlia in the middle of Sweden. Älvdalen is also the home of the Hagström museum. The museum has a permanent exhibition about the company AB Albin Hagström.

Karl Eric Hagstrom finished his education in the USA and after looking very carefully at the market there, he decided that guitar making should be the future concern of the Älvdalen plant. From 1957 onwards Hagstrom guitars became available.

The museum contains many experimental and rare guitars, basses, amplifiers, accordions, in fact everything a real enthusiast can ask for. A visit to the museum is a must. The Hagstrom Museum - Älvdalen.

Hagströms Vänners gitarrlotteri leder till oväntade kontakter – Jesper Aspelin År 2013 så var jag däremot på en musikloppis i på Dalarnas museum i Falun där​ 

Hagström gitarr museum

Tvillingarna Micke och Samuel Åhden har äntligen tagit steget ut och visar nu sin gigantiska samling av gitarrer och där fanns allt man kunde önska sej från 58 Flying Vees (dom har faktiskt två strycken) till Hagström Pärlemor gitarrer. The Hagstrom Super Swede has been considered one of Hagstrom's flagship models, since it was first introduced to the world back in the late 1970's. The Super Swedes 25.5" scale length, provides a brighter tone and longer sustain which makes a wonderful instrument for players looking for more flexibility than any single cut guitar can offer. Historiken kring porfyrtillverkningen finns bevarad i en permanent utställning på museet i centrala Älvdalen. Där återfinns också en utställning som dokumenterar tillverkningen av Hagströms dragspel, gitarrer och ljudutrustning åren 1925–1983. Se även. Hagström – Allt i musik En svensk klassiker .

Hagström gitarr museum

There have been ten exciting years and the business has grown a little bit each year. Since the start, we have sold more than 600 guitars, basses and amps and not a single customer has been dissatisfied with his instrument and sent it back! The Hagstrom Guitar History – So Far. This brand new book tells the history of Hagstrom electric and acoustic guitars, made by a Swedish innovative company founded in the 1920s by a young entrepreneur, Albin Hagström (1905–1952) » Explore Super Swede DeLuxe book Akustisk gitarr med cutaway inspirerad av Dalarnas hantverkstradition. Sidor och botten i mahogny, topp i solid mahogny, hals i mahogny och greppbräda i resinatorträ. Mikrofonsystem: Fishman Isys+ (301) + Sonicore med inbyggd stämapparat.
April månad

Hagström gitarr museum

2012 — Gitarrer från Hagströms är samlarobjekt.

2012 — Gitarrer från Hagströms är samlarobjekt. Dalaföretaget som tillverkade de eftertraktade gitarrerna kommer att hyllas i en permanent utställning  Home / Pro / Hagström gitarr museum. 12:39 By Miconia.
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Several Hagstrom E-guitar models were also offered as 4 stringed basses, best known are the Swede, der Corvette and the Hagstrom Kent-modell. Special emphasise can be layed on the first 8 stringed bass made by Hagstrom, the H8 as this model was played by Noel Redding (Jimi Hendrix Experience).

Han äger dessutom ett antal förstärkare och PA-utrustning från det  15 feb. 2017 — Köp Hagström i Dalarnas museums samlingar av Jennie Tiderman, Jan Historia, dragspel, förstärkare men mest gitarrer i vackra bilder. En fullödig sammanfattning av Hagströms produktionshistoria med färgbilder av olika dragspel och gitarrer m.m. med tillhörande data.